The Forest of Avon Partnership

As one of England’s Community Forests, Forest of Avon has friends throughout the country.

These fifteen forest organisations, supported by partners from the public, private and voluntary sectors, and local communities, bring trees and people together to create healthy, inspiring, resilient places for humans and nature to thrive.

The partnership works together using the Forest of Avon plan as a shared strategy. This ensures we’re taking the right actions in the places that will have the greatest impact.

Our Tree and Woodland Strategy for the Region

Woodlands cover just 7.8% of our region, compared to an average of 10% across England. Working together, we can rapidly increase our trees canopy to benefit people and nature, now and into the future.

And, we have an ambitious goal: we want to double tree canopy cover in the Forest of Avon by 2050.

That’s a big challenge, but we have a plan! The Forest of Avon Plan is the region’s strategy to expand, increase and inspire large-scale woodland creation and tree planting across the area. The plan is endorsed and supported by the West of England Nature Partnership, a cross sector partnership, including the four authorities of Bristol, Bath & NE Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire and the West of England Combined Authority.

It details our shared vision and priority areas for nature recovery creating a joined-up approach that will deliver for people and wildlife.

“By working together, individuals, communities, authorities and businesses, we can accelerate immediate action and see the benefits”

Jon Clark, former Director Forest of Avon

How can you partner with Forest of Avon?


We pride ourselves on working with a wide range of landowners to plant trees and manage woodlands – both public and private. We work with farmers, land advisors, local authorities and community groups to support them in their tree planting aims. We aim to support anyone with suitable land for tree planting and woodland creation.

We have a dedicated Tree Team who will provide you with expert to make sure we plant the right trees in the right place for the right purpose.

Community Groups

As a community forest, we are influenced and guided through the needs of the Forest’s communities. We work with community groups to provide volunteer opportunities, create and support projects that boost engagement, support planting projects and listen to the needs of the public to help shape our vision.

Our Partnership Projects

Find out more about some of the forest’s shared projects

Great Avon Wood

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Lower Chew Forest

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Orchard for Pollinators

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Delivering the Forest of Avon Plan Together

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