We’re a registered charity, planting and managing woodlands in the west of England and running activities to allow people with additional needs to enjoy time in nature.
Our Focus

Collaborative and Inclusive
Nurturing and leading a wide range of partnership activity. Working with and for partners wherever possible. Resourcing individuals, those within communities of interest and those with poor access to trees to be a part of the Forest movement and activity in the way they will benefit.
Being excellent listeners and being highly responsive, through empathy and action, to need, ideas and feedback. Embedding inclusivity and accessibility consideration into every activity we do. Taking more steps to evaluate and increase the diversity across our team, volunteers and groups we work with.

Positive and Solution-Focussed
Always looking towards action that creates positive results, focussing on potential solutions and sharing inspiration to take action. Progressive. We are always ready to adapt and find a new solution where needed. We don’t get stuck on barriers or negativity, we seek to find a resolution that works. We are agile. We get things done!

Embedding the long-term impacts and foreseeable requirements into everything we do to ensure benefits are optimised and will endure. We apply robust planning to all our projects. We focus on the right trees in the right places with the right management planning and community support and we continue to monitor. Our activity is often based on giving people experiences in a way that they can sustain this into the future, rather than short term.

Honest, Fair and Transparent
We are open about what we do, the impact, our limitations and the learning we gain from our experiences. We seek out and share accurate data and information.
How we are funded
Our funding for tree planting strategy and execution comes from the DEFRA Trees for Climate fund and from the Woodland Trust Emergency Tree Fund.
Our Health and Wellbeing funding comes from numerous small donations from trusts and individuals.
More information can be found at our entry in the register of charities.
Our Strategy
Our activities are guided by the Forest of Avon plan and by our Health and wellbeing strategies
Our financial statements
View (opens external link)2021/2022
View (opens external link)2020/2021
View (opens external link)Our Impact
Report 2023/2024
View (opens external link)Report 2022/2023
View (opens external link)Board of Trustees

Our board are part of our everyday activities. Find out more about them on our Team page.
Meet our team
Delivering the Forest of Avon Plan Together

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