Our Focus


New tree and woodland habitats.


For existing tree and woodland habitats.


Health and Wellbeing activities.


Healthy trees and woodlands established, cared for and enjoyed within communities, for the environment, people’s quality of life and a sustainable future.


To work with and resource communities and partners to establish, nurture and benefit from flourishing trees and woodlands across the region.

The Forest of Avon Plan

Endorsed by the four unitary authorities, the West of England Combined Authority, and the West of England Nature Partnership, the Forest of Avon Plan aligns our efforts, allowing all partners to work towards the same targets for the benefit of people and nature. This enhances habitats and connectivity for wildlife and provides opportunities for people to enjoy local nature.

Planting trees for the long-term means choosing the right trees for the right places and caring for them alongside our existing woods and trees. The Forest of Avon Plan helps ensure every tree planted has the best chance of survival and maximises its benefits.

The plan has always been crucial in guiding our efforts, and our 2021 iteration presents a collective vision for tree coverage with aspirational goals and an action plan to achieve them.

Principles of the Forest of Avon Plan

  • Reducing flooding by planting in upland areas and on floodplains.
  • Planting and managing trees to build climate resilience in response to the climate emergency.
  • Creating a thriving network of wildlife corridors across the region to strengthen our ecological networks.
  • Expanding our trees and woodlands where they will have the greatest benefits for people’s health and wellbeing.
  • Ensuring timber can be used sustainably, particularly in the construction industry.
  • Strategic woodland areas where care, restoration or expansion are likely to be especially effective;
  • Lower Woods – the most extensive area of ancient woodland in the West of England.
  • North Somerset Woodlands – vital for wildlife including endangered species.
  • Mendip Hills and Cotswold AONB – linking these areas through new and restored habitats will benefit wildlife and local people.
  • Bathscape – The natural landscape surrounding the historic city of Bath, which includes areas of woodland and high-quality grassland.

The challenge now is to speed up our community efforts.

We need everyone to work together for the large-scale impact needed. It’s ambitious, but with your help, we can make it happen!


Delivering the Forest of Avon Plan Together

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