Forest of Avon’s Impact

We’re proud of all your community forest has achieved so far.

Starting with just £3,000 back in 2009, we’ve grown into a powerhouse of tree and woodland projects! We’ve tackled multi-million-pound initiatives, bringing huge social and environmental benefits.

With well over a million trees planted, countless woodlands enhanced, and new access routes opened, we’re truly making a positive impact. Just last year, we planted around 85 hectares of new trees!

A brief history of the Forest of Avon’s Achievements

1992 – 2007 The first Forest of Avon newsletter

During the first 15 years over 1 million trees were established across the Forest of Avon, through over 40 partners. Yes, you read that right – a million! The Forest of Avon Products was also set up to pool skills, labour and resources and create quality goods from wood sourced within a 50 mile radius of Bristol city.

1,000 km of rights of way and other paths were improved making them ideal for the next adventure. 500 hectares of woodland came into Countryside Stewardship schemes.

2008 – 2019

The Forest of Avon became a charity in 2008 and continued the great work, later developing the woodland activity, forest school and health and wellbeing projects.

2014 – 2018

In this period DEFRA funded a large-scale Trees for Learning programme – planting across schools including over 70 orchards.

2020 – 2024

Defra and other funding partners have enabled substantial growth in activity across the West of England including in our four priority areas detailed in the Forest of Avon Plan. In 2021, the region joined forces and created the Forest of Avon Plan – the West of England’s Tree and Woodland Strategy. With partners we are working together to plant more, plant better and ultimately double our canopy cover by 2050.

Trees for Climate has enabled us to fund and deliver over 450 hectares of new tree habitats – a range of different projects from large scale woodland, wood pasture, orchards and street trees in urban areas.

And let’s not forget thousands of volunteers and supporters who've contributed to this impact over the years. Their hard work and dedication have been invaluable.


Delivering the Forest of Avon Plan Together

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